The United States Air Force (USAF) has successfully completed its most recent AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile) configuration audit milestone
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By José Carlos Palma *

The US Air Force has finished the Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) of the newest variant of the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM).

This audit comes after the missile’s first live test, the AMRAAM AIM-120D-3, which took place in July of last year, moving the missile one step closer to being deployed by the US Air Force and US Navy.

The Form, Fit, Function (3F) Refresh program has upgraded the hardware and software of the AIM-120D-3 missile, including 15 redesigned circuit cards.

The enhanced battery life of the Raytheon missile’s guidance system, achieved through the use of new energy-efficient cards, results in an increased range of the missile.

The program, which costs $125 million, guarantees the ongoing enhancement of the missile’s software.

Raytheon Missiles & Defense Air Power president Paul Ferraro stated that AMRAAM has been integrated into 14 platforms across 42 countries and is the sole air-to-air weapon in service capable of countering peer threats at extended range.

“According to Raytheon Missiles & Defense Air Power president Paul Ferraro, the AIM-120D-3 represents a significant advancement for the well-established AMRAAM, effectively addressing the changing requirements of warfighters and combatant commanders.”

Following the Functional Configuration Audit (FCA), a test program will be initiated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the missile, which will involve captive carry missions, platform bench testing, and a series of live firings from several Air Force and Navy platforms.

* Expert in international relations, such as foreign policy, international trade, domestic security, international security, developing nations, and domestic security, intelligence, and military.

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